• 9 tips to get better sleep during pregnancy

    9 tips to get better sleep during pregnancy

    Have you been lacking sleep lately? Loosing your vigorousness during the day? These are common struggles when pregnant, but there are ways to get a good night rest and your energy levels back.
  • Why should you be thinking about tech hygiene?

    Why should you be thinking about tech hygiene?

    Using phones and tablets is as much a part of our daily routine as brushing our teeth. We teach our children good hygiene habits, but what about tech-hygiene? This is an often forgotten part of our wellness rituals.
  • Feel empowered with postpartum support

    Feel empowered with postpartum support

    Right at the point when moms need to feel empowered, loved, lifted up and educated, the energy of the health care system totally shifts to your baby. Time and again, I saw overwhelm and anxiety ensue in women.