September Virtual Eat Sleep Play Event Re-Cap
Here at Hey, Milestone, we love our community of Moms! And we are here to support you on your parenthood journey, every step of the way. We hope to be the way you can discover new products and great information about how to navigate this whole new life.
Redeem your Free Newborn Sample Box here!
Raising a happy, healthy baby is hard work. We are excited to bring together amazing resources to focus on the most important subjects for baby’s first year.
We have kicked off the Hey, Milestone Virtual Event series – called Eat Sleep Play - to help get you that info delivered right to you. Our virtual platform lets you feel like you’re at an in-person event, but you get to attend from anywhere, even in your pjs! Can’t make it live? Not a problem; we’ll always send you a recap with links to video replays you can watch whenever you want.
Get more info about all the events in the Eat Sleep Play series - and register to attend the next one!
Our Fall 2021 Series will focus on family health + wellness, nutrition, sleep, play / child development, prenatal and postnatal topics. We will have tracks for pregnancy and for age + stage for your child's first 3 years.
In September we hosted the Eat event, October’s event will be all about Sleep, and in November we’ll get ready for the holidays with Play!

About the September Event: EAT
Our first virtual event in our series focused on Nutrition for Families and Pregnancy Must Haves. It was held on Sunday, September 12th, from 11am – 1pm PT. There were expert speakers on hand, running a total of four sessions, and Hey, Milestone owner Tracy Fredkin was there to help moderate and keep things running smoothly.
We also always give away lots of prizes at our events, and all those who attend live are eligible to win!
The September Event Speakers and Topics
Katie Thomson, R.D., co-Founder and CEO of Square Baby
Topic: Critical Nutrition in the First 1000 Days
Katie Thomson founded Square Baby when she was a new Mom looking for food solutions for her own kids, trying to learn exactly what to feed them when and how much. She felt it was hard to find the kind of information and foods to introduce to kids when they’re starting to eat table foods.
She addressed important concerns when starting solids, like how to know when your baby is ready to start (hint: one of the key things is that they need to be able to sit up and hold their head up). She also talked about the kinds of nutrition needs babies and toddlers have, and how to read labels to avoid things they don’t need. She stressed the goal of providing your baby balanced nutrition. Find out more about Square Baby and the kinds of meals they create on their website.
Ashley Beckerman, Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Board-certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Topic: Natural Ways to Boost your Family’s Immunity
Dr. Beckerman stressed the importance of using food, herbs, and Essential Oils to keep your immune system strong, especially as we head into Cold and Flu season. She noted that often if one member of the family gets sick, the rest of the family can also get sick, so it’s a team effort! Some of the easiest things most of us can do right away are work to reduce stress in our lives, and get outside for exercise as much as possible, which also has the benefit of helping us get more vitamin D, which we get from the sun.
She also talked about the importance of gut health for immunity, and suggested focusing on eating whole foods like leafy greens, berries, avocado, among others, and doing your best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar for starters. This is an overview of Dr. Beckerman’s talk, and you can learn more about this topic, and all the work she does, by contacting her via her website.
Molly Pross, Founder of Bump Bestie
Topic: Registry 101
Molly Pross founded Bump Bestie when she was pregnant and felt like she couldn’t find the answers she was looking for: what are the most important things to have on your registry – and what can you just not worry about? This is the resource she wished she’d had when she was having her first baby – and you’re lucky enough to get it!
She shared her top ten tips, like Start Early, Order the Big Stuff First (especially from a shipping perspective), Register for Gender-Neutral Items (because hey, you may want to have some hand-me-downs for a sibling!), and in a way only Molly could put it: Remember that one person’s “don’t bother” is another person’s “must have!” We love this – and it’s so true! Your parenting style will be different than your friend’s or your neighbor’s, so build your registry accordingly.
We are partnering with Molly and Bump Bestie this Fall. We've created a bundle with her Ultimate Registry Checklist and our Pregnancy Sample Box.
Hila Bahari, Founder at MamaGuide
Topic: The Benefits and Importance of Play
Hila had great tips for how to play with your babies, even infants, and of course talked about the benefits of play. She feels strongly that starting right away is not only a good idea, but will be fun, too! She stressed that play makes for a strong connection between parents and children, and helps also to promote brain development in our babies. There are several things we can all do that are free and easy, like letting babies have floor time, emphasizing movement, playing music, and the use of language and literacy, like talking to, singing to, and reading to our babies.
We are partnering with Hila and MamaGuide this Fall. We've created a bundle with her Nutrition Guides and our Baby Food Sample Box.
Dini Klein, Founder of Prep + Rally ™
Topic: Easy Dinner Cooking Demo – baked tortilla egg cups
Dini founded Prep and Rally when she was a new Mom, looking for a way to streamline her food prep system for the week. She came up with Prep + Rally ™ and the idea is so smart: get her lists of grocery items, meal prep plans, and recipes, spend time on Sundays doing the prep, and hot the ground running with terrific family meals all week long! In fact, she’s writing a cookbook so stay tuned for that.
Dini did a cooking demo for an easy breakfast meal (or dinner) that’s going to be in the cookbook as well. She made tortilla cups in a muffin pan and filled them with an egg mixture that you can customize with whatever you and your family like, like sautéed mushrooms, sweet potato, kale, even bacon or sausage. Whatever you like, added to an egg mixture, like an omelet, but added to these cute little tortilla cups, which make for a delicious portable meal. Perfect for breakfast on the go or sitting around the table.
Join the Next Eat Sleep Play Event
See you at the next event! We’ll be talking about Sleep in October with Jenni June – and Play in November, just in time for the Holidays. Sign up here so you’ll know when we open registration.

Sarah Auerswald is a Mom and a member of the Hey, Milestone team.