The Right Car Seat for your Little One
For many new parents, the process of choosing a car seat can seem overwhelming. Doing your research ahead of time will help you feel prepared to choose when it’s time to finalize your registry or make a purchase.
The safest car seat for baby’s first trip home—and every ride after that—is one that fits your child and your vehicle and can be installed correctly every time. So look for a car seat that you’re comfortable using, with features that make it reassuringly easy to install. (Tip: Most stores will let you test a car seat in your vehicle before purchasing.) Be sure to get your baby’s first car seat at least one to three months before your due date so you have plenty of time to practice installing it. You can also get help from a professional at a local inspection station.
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What’s your type?
First determine which type of car seat best fits your family’s lifestyle. Some families choose the longevity of a convertible to get from newborn to preschool without switching seats. Others like the convenience and portability of an infant seat that offers a carrier which will easily click in and out of a stay-in-car base, as well as strollers. This type works best if you will be switching between several cars and/or if you plan to be strolling with baby during the first six months. An infant & toddler seat offers a unique alternative, combining the convenience of an infant seat with extended use into toddlerhood.
Infant Car Seat
- Go to and from the car without unbuckling and disturbing your baby
- Share one car seat between multiple vehicles with an extra base
- Click your car seat directly into a stroller for on-the-go convenience
Be ready to transition into the next car seat within 12-18 months
Infant & Toddler Car Seat
- All the features of an infant seat, plus…
- Convert from Infant to Toddler Position to create more leg room for longer use
- Keep your little one rear-facing in the same seat for the recommended 2 years
- Use European belt routing for urban convenience with public transportation
Convertible Car Seat
- Transition smoothly from rear-facing to forward-facing with a car seat that converts
- Get one single car seat that will last from newborn through preschool
- If you choose a convertible for your newborn, keep in mind that it won't click into a stay-in-car base or strollers