3 families, 3 stages - about the founders

3 families, 3 stages - about the founders

Renske Gosselink

"3 families, 3 stages." More about the women and families behind the original Hey, Milestone.

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Renske Gosselink

Kiki, 1yo

Being pregnant for the first time was a wonderful experience. I was lucky enough to feel amazing and could enjoy every part of it: the changes in my body, the growing of my baby. I was a little stressed about how our lives would change in the future. But when Kiki was born it turned out everything fell into place quite naturally. Sometimes, we just have to follow our instinct!


Steffanie Possel

Anne Flo 6yo,  Femme Mae 4yo

With our two girls ‘big enough’ now to take care of each other, play for hours and have so much fun together, we feel we have the perfect balance. When people tell you “things are going to get easier when they grow”, believe them: it’s true! Well... we’re expecting a little boy this spring. We’ll probably need some time to adjust but we are all SO over the moon!


Charlotte Torris

Theodore 9yo, Emilie 7yo, Adrien 4yo

Having three kids in 4.5 years brought us lots of joy and excitement! First, we were convinced we could raise the three of them the same way; we were just forgetting they would have strong and different personalities! Things don’t always go the way we planned but that keeps us flexible and alive. So, don’t fear unexpected changes. The outcome might be better than the initial plan :)

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