Poopy Diapers... Constant Wiping... Baby rash. Let's talk about it.

Poopy Diapers... Constant Wiping... Baby rash. Let's talk about it.

Katherine Romans

Poopy Diapers... Constant Wiping... Baby rash. Let's talk about it. This 3-part cycle becomes all too familiar to new moms and knowing what to put on baby's gentle skin can feel elusive with the hundreds of different products that are out there. 

When I had my first daughter, I was shocked to find out how many chemicals baby's are exposed to from diaper changes in their first 3 years. When I had my second daughter in 2020, I found out that I was not the only parent who was concerned about finding safe and effective baby care products; That's how I found NOLEO. 

I was drawn to NOLEO's transparency of ingredients and innovation. Their founder, a parent like me, formulated his own all natural, super-safe diaper care solution. As a chemical engineer, when he wasn't able to find the right product out there, he set out to create his own!

I now have 2 daughters and it gives me a lot of comfort to know that there are brands like NOLEO out there that are looking out for the safest and most effective products for my little girls.

With love,



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