Interview with Katt Jones - illustrator
Name Katt Jones
Baby Felix Gray Boddy (9.5 months)
Occupation Full time mummy and occasional illustrator.
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What was one of the best moments in your pregnancy?
The first time that we saw him on an ultrasound scan and he was wiggling and flipping all over the place. (Testament to how he is now.)
What do you wish someone had told you about having a newborn?
That swaddles with Velcro are a thing!
What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
A baby carrier with multiple carrying options (my Ergobaby 360).
What’s your favorite part of being a mother?
Absolutely everything! But if I had to pick my ultimate favorite it would be the way he smiles when he sees me.
Do you have a typical mom anecdote that makes you smile?
The day after we came home from the hospital and like all new nursing mums I was absolutely starving and eating anything and everything I could get my hands on. I was just about to eat a delicious, dried date when I held it up and said to my husband “hey, this looks like Felix’s umbilical cord stump” and I popped it straight into my mouth. Unfortunately my husband heard, “hey, this IS Felix’s umbilical cord stump.”
Naturally he was horrified.
And another anecdote: The day we first bought Felix home from the hospital and I was very hormonal and emotional and I actually cried because I forgot that I’d drank my orange juice already!